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Let's build the agency you want to own.
Take control of your business to get the results you deserve.

I help PR and marketing agency owners with 3 to 30 employees achieve their goals.

Discover more insights:
Take SAGA's Agency Health Assessment

Identify key challenges & opportunities in 10 minutes or less.

Need help to grow your agency?

Agency Business Checkup

Identify immediate challenges and opportunities to get you started on the path to meaningful change using the AIM-GET Framework.

Positioning & Pricing Review

Work with Chip to accelerate your growth by improving your agency’s positioning and pricing for profitability.

Ongoing Advisory Services

Get ongoing consulting and support from Chip to help manage more effectively and advance your business to the next level. 

The Build to Own approach puts your business to work for you.

Let’s work together to build the agency you want to own.

Stop following someone else’s idea of a great agency. Don’t take on the risk and stress of ownership without the results you desire.

Use the AIM-GET Framework to create a business that makes you happy and helps you to achieve your goals.

The AIM-GET Framework guides you to your goals.

Find your AIM ...

AMBITION. Know what you want to achieve with your agency business.

IDENTITY. Define your agency’s focus and ideal clients.

MANAGEMENT. Create the structure that will let you succeed.


... then GET results

GROWTH. Take steps to generate profitable new business.

EXECUTION. Deliver on the promises you make to clients.

TALENT. Recruit and retain the team you need to get the job done well.

Connect with your peers in the SAGA Community.


A private discussion forum gives members an opportunity to ask questions, share ideas, and get feedback from their peers.

Office Hours

Members get regular access to Q&A sessions hosted by Chip Griffin, allowing you to tap into his advice that is normally only available to private coaching clients.


A library of workbooks, templates, and sample documents awaits all members. Don't reinvent the wheel if you can get a head start.


Webinars, workshops, and other educational resources enable members to increase their knowledge.


SAGA hosts members in a variety of formats to encourage new connections and mutually beneficial conversations.


Stay up-to-date on industry news and insights. As a member, you have access to a private newsletter and other briefings.

Have a question for Chip?

Most SAGA content comes from questions posed by agency leaders. If it’s on your mind, you’re probably not alone — so ask away!