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I help small agencies get big results.

As an entrepreneur and agency owner for more than two decades, I know what it takes to grow profitably even in challenging times. I serve as an advisor, mentor, and coach to help small agency leaders achieve their goals.

— Chip Griffin

Agency Business Checkup

Identify immediate challenges and opportunities to get you started on the path to meaningful change using the AIM-GET Framework.


Positioning & Pricing Review

Work with Chip to accelerate your growth by improving your agency’s positioning and pricing for profitability.


Ongoing Advisory Services

Get ongoing consulting and support from Chip to help manage more effectively and advance your business to the next level. 


Looking for solution to a very focused, well-defined challenge? A Mini Engagement might be what you need.

Does any of this sound familiar?

"I'm working too much."

"I want to take my agency to the next level."

"I'm not earning enough."

"I need to get more clients."

"I can't figure out how to get more from my team."

"I'm not sure if I'm in the right niche."

"I want to find new income sources."

"I'm tired of the feast-or-famine cycle."

"I'd like to sell my agency."

I may be able to help.


Setting clear objectives for yourself, your agency, and your team members will help you achieve progress more quickly.


Together we create project budgets, review expenses, and adjust pricing to get the profit margins you need.


Most small agencies benefit from establishing a clear focus instead of trying to be all things to all people.

Sales & Marketing

By establishing consistent, repeatable processes, we can eliminate much of the fear and pain that inhibits growth.

Client Retention

Keeping clients happy is more than just getting good results, and we work to build systems to stack the odds in your favor.

Team Management

Agency success relies on talented individuals, but finding and retaining them is always a challenge.

Strategic Planning

Knowing where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow allows you to plot a path for the future.


Agency owners often don't have anyone to turn to for second opinions or candid feedback, and that's where an outside advisor helps.

I created the AIM-GET Framework
to help small agencies succeed.

Find your AIM ...



What do you want to get from your agency? You need to understand your personal goals to ensure that the business works for you — and not the other way around.



Getting your agency’s positioning right makes all the difference when it comes to getting good clients. Prospects need to see you the way you see yourself.



How you structure your business helps shape its success. Legal, finance, and operational issues often get pushed to the back burner, but they need your attention.

... then GET results



Most small agency leaders don’t relish the sales process, even if they need and enjoy the results. Consistently getting in front of ideal prospects isn’t hard, but it requires focus and planning.



Delivering excellent results to clients while still generating reasonable profits lies at the heart of long-term agency success. Smart agency leaders organize their teams and processes to meet these goals.



 Every agency leader says that their team is a key differentiator. Getting and keeping the best employees certainly has an outsize impact. It requires real time and financial investments.