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Build to Own Agency Accelerator Program

The Build to Own (B2O) Agency Accelerator Program provides 1-on-1 agency growth consulting from Chip Griffin, founder of the Small Agency Growth Alliance, to help you take your business to the next level. This customized 16-week program is tailored to meet your specific needs.

Every agency owner can use a little help.

Exceed your goals.

Get started on implementing the AIM-GET Framework for Agency Success to help steer your business in the right direction. Learn more about the Framework here.

Build an agency you want to own.

The B2O Accelerator provides 16 weeks of intensive help in shaping the agency of your dreams. It combines the Agency Business Checkup process with ongoing coaching and adds in detailed strategic planning to give you the ingredients you need for success.

Ready to kickstart your journey on the path to greater success?

The B2O Accelerator Program helps you take stock of where your agency is today and then guides you on the road ahead to achieve your specific goals.

Agency Owner Questionnaire
Every engagement begins with a detailed set of questions that starts a deep dive into your business so that we have a shared understanding of the challenges and opportunities.

Intensive Collaboration
The B2O Accelerator Program involves weekly sessions for 16 weeks. Throughout the process, Chip remains available for additional phone and email consultations.

Thorough Research
Together, we delve in to every aspect of your agency to explore options to improve operations, revenue, and profitability. 

Key Conversations
In addition to the agency owner work sessions, we identify key employees and other individuals for confidential 1-on-1 and group conversations. Often, these uncover insights that owners may have overlooked.

Roadside Support
Chip helps you formulate your plan and begin to implement it. Together, we make necessary adjustments and maximize the benefits your agency can provide.

Ongoing Support
After your participation in the B2O Accelerator Program concludes, Chip continues to be just a phone call away to give you pointers, second opinions, or other advice at a discounted rate.

Who is this for?

Just because any agency can use the AIM-GET Framework to build a better business doesn’t mean they’re all a good fit for the B2O Accelerator process.

If your goal is to hurry up and sell, this isn’t the right program for you.

Here are some of the characteristics that help identify those agencies that we can help the most.

  • PR, public affairs, digital, or marketing communications focus
  • Independently owned by an individual or partners engaged in daily operations 
  • Fewer than 25 employees
  • Hungry for learning and change
  • Open to challenging preconceptions
  • Committed to building an agency you actually want to own

Frequently Asked Questions

The 16-week B2O Accelerator Program requires an investment of $10,000. A monthly payment plan is available with four installments of $3,000 each. If you have completed an Agency Business Checkup within the past 6 months, you can credit half of the amount paid to the cost of the B2O Accelerator Program.

We meet an average of once each week, but structure the timing and schedule to meet the unique needs of every participant. Each session focuses on a specific aspect of the AIM-GET Framework or may be used to address timely challenges and opportunities in your agency business.

Chip Griffin, Founder of the Small Agency Growth Alliance, brings his two decades of agency ownership and management experience to every engagement.

Yes. After the program’s term concludes, you can take advantage of our ongoing coaching services or individual consultations for maintenance and continued advice.