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Identity & Positioning Workshop

How do you stand out from the competition and focus on the work that is the most fulfilling and profitable?

There are so many different ways to find focus for your agency, but what is the right match for you and your team?

This workshop looks at how you describe your agency, who you should target, and what you deliver.

Here’s who this is for

If you are considering making adjustments to your agency’s focus, target market, messaging, and other elements of identity and positioning, this workshop might be a good choice.

This is a standalone engagement, but the core elements of this workshop are included in the broader AIM-GET Planning Process if you prefer to take advantage of the full program.

You can learn more about our ideal clients here.

Here’s how it helps

In this workshop, we look at:

  • Client Profitability
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Fit & Differentiation
  • Ideal Client Definition
  • Marketing Messaging

The goal is to help you shape your offering to maximize results and deliver more profitable business to your agency.

Here’s how it works

This workshop can be conducted remotely or on-site depending on your specific needs. If done on-site, it will typically take 1-2 days. When conducted remotely, we will typically have 3-4 virtual work sessions to explore specific areas of interest.

We determine the agenda and schedule based on a pre-workshop questionnaire and an initial planning call that reviews key concerns.

As part of the process, Chip has conversations with agency employees to get feedback and ideas in 1-on-1 and group settings.

The core of the workshop involves a series of meetings with the the owner and management team to explore what is being done and what improvements can be made.

At the conclusion of the workshop, Chip will send a summary report that highlights his key observations and next steps.

After Chip sends the summary, we will schedule a follow-up call to review any questions that come to mind upon further reflection. You also have 60 days to submit questions by email and an opportunity for a final Q&A call.

Here’s what you get

As part of this workshop, you get hours of valuable feedback along with the concise meeting summary with the key observations and recommendations that Chip has for your agency.

After the workshop is complete, you will still have 60 days of email questions plus a follow-up call to address implementation questions.

Here’s what it costs

This workshop program costs $4000.

It is recommended (but not required) that you complete an Agency Business Checkup before this workshop so that we come into the process with a deeper shared understanding of each other. If you have completed the ABC process within 90 days of the start of this workshop, we will credit 50% of that fee toward the cost of this workshop.

If you choose to combine the Identity & Positioning and Business Growth Strategies workshops, you can do so for a combined price of $6000.

The price includes 1-on-1 conversations with up to 5 employees, plus an optional group session. If desired, a broader survey of team members can be conducted. Additional 1-on-1 conversations cost $100 each and group sessions cost $350.

Any travel costs are charged to the client at cost and will be estimated for approval in advance. Additional charges may apply for agencies with more than one owner since this often adds to the complexity of the process.

For agencies with different circumstances or needs, Chip can work with clients to develop a customized process.

Next step

Ready to learn more? Schedule a free 1-hour consultation to see if you and Chip might be a good fit for each other.

Chip Griffin founded the Small Agency Growth Alliance (SAGA) to help PR and marketing agency owners achieve their goals.

How We Help

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