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Sample Independent Contractor Agreement

If you use independent contractors in your agency business (as is increasingly common), you need to be certain to have a written agreement with each of them.

Some may have their own preferred contract, and you are free to use that if you review it with counsel and determine that it is a fair document.

However, many independent contractors don’t have their own document and will rely on you to provide one.

The sample here is done as a master agreement with one or more Service Work Orders (SWO’s) attached. This is generally a good format to use because it keeps the main legal language in one document that governs the overall relationship, while allowing you to use simplified SWO’s when you have additional project work.

The SWO included here will likely need to be highly tailored to the specific contractor’s engagement. Just be sure that you clearly spell out expectations and compensation so that there are no misunderstandings later.

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