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Building annual strategic plans with your clients to maximize results (and profitability)

Clients frequently complain that their agencies aren’t thinking strategically enough, and agencies often complain that they are doing too much work for the fees their clients are paying.

In this webinar, Chip Griffin will explain how a robust annual strategic planning process can help to address both challenges. When done right, these exercises can help to improve the results that clients see (and the perceived ROI) and improve the profitability of the agency at the same time.

Rather than seeing annual planning as a necessary evil or a box to be checked amid all of the day-to-day work you’re already doing for clients, you should look at it as an opportunity to regularly reset the relationship. An effective process will improve your knowledge of the client and their goals, provide you with an opportunity to establish the right expectations for the year ahead, and open the door to a new scope of work that enables you to improve your effective hourly rate (potentially without even increasing what you ask the client to pay!).

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Watch the replay here.