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Podcast Pitch

Interested in being a guest?

Agency Leadership Conversations: The Chats with Chip Podcast is an informal discussion that is recorded in a live-to-tape format.

There is no set list of questions. It is a conversation between Chip and the guest that follows its own path. There may or may not be a general topic theme established in advance. The idea is to record a “normal” conversation that might occur even without a microphone being present.

Each recording lasts about 20-25 minutes, but guests are advised to set aside 45 minutes for the whole process.

What kind of guests do we have?

The Chats with Chip podcast features individuals who can offer useful insights or advice for PR & marketing agency owners and executives.

Typical guests include:

  • Agency owners or executives sharing their own experiences
  • Experts in specific areas of agency management (new business, talent, operations, legal, finance, etc.) offering practical advice
  • Journalists and trade association leaders who can address news and trends in the PR and marketing agency business arena
  • Authors promoting a book and sharing useful insights along the way
  • Vendors who can speak to how tools are used effectively and not just touting their own product

Submit an inquiry

More questions? Email Chip at chip@smallagencygrowth.com.