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Gábor Jelinek named Executive Director of Public Relations Global Network

Gábor Jelinek has been appointed the first Executive Director of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN).

In the newly created role, Jelinek will “oversee all aspects of the organization, ensuring that strategic objectives are effectively met while developing new sales initiatives, enhancing partnerships and creating fresh marketing opportunities for PRGN’s participating firms, staff and clients.”

Previously, Jelinek was a partner at Goodwill Communications, a PRGN member agency based in Hungary.

PRGN brings together more than 50 independent agencies around the world with total annual revenues in excess of $101 million, according to the group.

“The network is pleased to welcome Gábor Jelinek to the team,” said C.L. Conroy, current president of PRGN and CEO of Miami-based agency The Conroy Martinez Group. “We are confident that with the addition of the Executive Director, PRGN will meet its strategic growth goals and push our organization to new heights.”
