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Get creative to improve your agency’s outlook right now

You need to be tapping in to your creative juices and finding solutions for the challenges that your clients and prospects have right now.

Don’t fall victim to the same old way of thinking and simple solutions. Use the energy that got you to where you are in order to help guide your clients through their current challenges.


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Now is the time for agencies to get creative. And look, this is in the blood of just about every PR and marketing agency. I know, folks are creative with their words with their visual images with their ideas with their thinking. And now more than ever, you need to tap into that your clients businesses are being disrupted, your business is being disrupted. And the way that you deal with that is not through standard straight line thinking. But thinking outside the box and considering how it is that you can help your clients meet the goals that they have now, how they can connect with the audiences and the things that the audiences are doing now. And so that may mean that you don’t do the most obvious solution. If a client has had in person event canceled. Maybe you don’t switch to a virtual event. Maybe there’s another solution that can achieve the goals even better. And if you’re the agency that’s thinking outside the box and coming up with the creative solutions, you’re going to win the business from them from your existing clients and from prospects, you’re going to find a way to get through this faster than competitors who are sitting there and thinking more statically. If you’ve got a client who’s come to you and said, we need to put things on pause, not because we don’t have the budget for it, but simply because we don’t think now is the right time to do what we were doing. That’s fine, but sit there and think about strategically how you might convince them that there’s another path to follow. You don’t need to sit back and passively put projects on pause, passively switch from one standard idea to another standard idea. Use your creativity tap into it. It’s exciting. It’s the kind of thing that caused a lot of you to start agencies to begin with to become agency leaders in your own right. And now is the time to really focus that creative energy and that’s what will help grow your business. That’s what will get you through to the other side.

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