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AIM-GET Planning Guide: Identity

The AIM-GET Framework for Agency Success provides a roadmap that public relations and marketing agency owners can use to build a business that gives them personal and financial satisfaction.
Once you have determined your Ambition (see workbook here), it is time to focus on your Identity.

Knowing your ideal client and why they choose your agency is critical to your success.

This Planning Guide provides a step-by-step process for identifying your positioning as an agency by examining where you are today – and where you want to be in the future.

A Journalistic Approach

We will use a standard reporting framework to help you refine your identity by examining:

  • WHO you serve
  • WHAT services you offer
  • WHERE your clients are based
  • WHEN you provide services
  • HOW your service process works
  • WHY clients hire you over anybody else

In addition, we help you examine the clients that give you the most profits and satisfaction. Then we give you a simple approach to describing your agency to prospective clients or referral partners.

Want some help with your own agency business?

If you own a PR or marketing agency and want to drive profitable double-digit growth, we can help with audits, planning, workshops, and coaching.

Schedule a free consultation.