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How to build accurate PR agency project budgets

Successful public relations executives understand the need to focus on project profitability, but how exactly do you do that? It starts with building out an accurate budget. And it’s easy to overlook hidden expenses, so this process needs to be completed thoroughly to ensure a comprehensive picture of the financial aspects of any project. So what should

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Questions solo PR pros must ask before hiring first employee

As someone who has grown several businesses, including turning solo PR practices into ones with employees (as well as choosing not to do so), I have wrestled with many of the dreams and doubts that confront most independent consultants at one point or another. Hiring your first employee completely changes the nature of the business.

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The value of checklists

There’s a reason why pilots and others in life-and-death roles rely on repeatable checklists to ensure things get done right. They help us to avoid the tendency to cut corners when we’re in a hurry.

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