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Small Agency Talk Show

Panel discussions about timely topics of interest to PR and marketing agency leaders

The Small Agency Talk Show is currently on hiatus until Fall 2023.

Getting ready to hire your first agency employee

In this episode, Patrick Rogan of Ignition HR talks with Chip Griffin of SAGA about pre-hiring considerations, as well as what you should be doing in terms of the paperwork and other administrivia associated with being an employer.

Being a transparent agency leader

In this episode, Marcel Petitpas of Parakeeto and Ken Jacobs of Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching join Chip Griffin of SAGA to talk about how agency leaders can adopt a transparent approach with their team.

Year-Ahead Planning (2023 edition)

Kami Huyse of Zoetica Media and Brad Farris of Anchor Advisors join Chip Griffin of SAGA to talk about the year ahead and how agency owners can best prepare themselves.

Target your agency outreach efforts

In this episode of the Small Agency Talk Show, Lee McKnight, Jr. of RSW/US joins Chip Griffin of SAGA to discuss the problem with mass marketing your agency instead of taking a more focused approach.

Transparency (and context) for agency teams

With New York City now mandating pay transparency for job listings, the agency community is taking a closer look at what transparency means and how transparent they should be with their teams — whether or not it is required by law.

Hosted by Chip Griffin

Chip is the founder and the Small Agency Growth Alliance where he helps PR & marketing agencies grow and thrive. He brings more than two decades of experience as an agency executive and entrepreneur. He shares the wisdom of his success and lessons of his failures. Follow him on Twitter at @ChipGriffin.

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