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AIM-GET: Ambition

Ambition is knowing what you want from your business.

Agency owners need to develop their own definition of what success looks like for them. 

There is no reason to take on all of the risk and stress of running your own business if you don’t get what you want from it.

That’s why the AIM-GET process starts with defining your own Ambition.

It’s all about you at this stage. What kind of work do you want to do? How much do you want to work? How much money do you want (and need) to earn? How and when do you want to exit the business?

Every subsequent decision about your agency business needs to be looked at through the lens of your own Ambition.

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About the AIM-GET Framework

The AIM-GET Framework helps provide a roadmap for achieving success with your agency business.

It outlines the steps you need to take to plan and implement a strategy that gets you the results that you want.