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AIM-GET: Management

Management is creating structure for your success.

The structure that you establish for your agency business has a direct impact on future success.

The Management portion of the AIM-GET process examines your firm’s ownership, legal and accounting processes, and general business operations.

It’s not all about paperwork, but rather defining the approach you take and the culture you create.

It starts with defining the owner’s role (and ensuring it matches the goals set in the Ambition phase).

From there, you decide key issues like the work environment (in-office, remote, or hybrid) and the general staffing structure (including the mix of payroll employees versus freelancers).

Finally, Management is about creating the reporting and accountability structure that gives you the best chance for success.

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About the AIM-GET Framework

The AIM-GET Framework helps provide a roadmap for achieving success with your agency business.

It outlines the steps you need to take to plan and implement a strategy that gets you the results that you want.